The Association supports the development of film and audiovisual education both in school and in leisure time activities. Our aim is to raise awareness of film and audiovisual education in the Czech Republic, to improve conditions for its implementation in Czech schools and within activities of informal education. We also aim to deepen the interdisciplinary dialogue about film education as well as to contribute to the creation of conceptual documents that will lead to systematic approach and support of film and audiovisual education in the Czech Republic.
The Association is involved in a number of projects, either independently or in cooperation with its partners. Main activities include professional meetings organized each year. Main event is the international conference Kino za školou (Cinema Off School), in which we cooperate with the Creative Europe MEDIA Office, Zlín Film Fest and Tomas Bata University.
In 2018, we carried out a pilot year of data collection on film education in the Czech Republic, which was attended by a total of 30 participants. In 2019, in cooperation with NIPOS / ARTAMA, Aeroškola and Animánie, we also implemented two accredited seminars on film education: a seminar on film education for elementary art school teachers and a seminar on film education and copyright. The Association wants to continue organizing these seminars in the coming years.
Since 2019, we have also been awarding the Boris Jachnin Award for contributions in the field of film / audiovisual education.
In 2021, we launched an online inspirational debate with important personalities and organizations in the field of film and audiovisual education under the name Za školou (Behind the School). Live stream available on our facebook page is open to the general public, recordings show up on our youtube channel.
In the years 2021 – 2022, the Association also implements an extensive project Strengthening of film/audiovisual education in the Czech Republic supported by the EEA / Norway Funds 2014 – 2021. The project is focused on mapping the conditions of film/audiovisual education in Czech Republic, monitoring of examples of good practice in European countries and online educational programs for the professional public.
We also plan to expand our publishing activities to support the field of film and audiovisual education. In the coming years, we aim to develop a textbook of film education for primary school teachers, publishing a professional journal of film education or preparing a popular guide for parents.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We will try to give you an advice or to mediate help.
Produkty a materiály vydávané Asociací pro filmovou a audiovizuální výchovu, z.s.